For Coaches & Educators

From Idea To Sold Out Online Offers

Without Tech Headaches

Your Roadmap

Grow your business beyond 1:1 through creating online offers your clients rave about, without wasting time and energy on mind-numbing admin tasks, or wrestling with tech.


  • The 3 step process to turn your idea into the offers that allow you to serve more clients without hustling 24/7

  • The only 2 mistakes that can get even tech-savvy coaches into "tech trouble", and how to avoid the pitfalls

  • The tech tools that make your life easier, even if "tech" and "easy" don't usually belong in the same sentence for you

I'll respect your privacy and will not ever share your information with third parties.

"You are a magician with a wicked sense of humour transforming people's nightmares into passion projects"

Antje Swart - Coach/ Therapist and nutritional advisor at Consciousness Elevator

"I came to you with a knowing of what I wanted. You firstly gave me the confidence to believe in myself, then you questioned everything, pointed me in the right direction. Now I've created everything I wanted from the inside out. Massive thanks, Anke! I'm living my best life. "

Marion Jorgensen - Therapist, TIGS-TRIBE:  Courses for self empowering women. Women Inspiring Women 

"I'd say many people (including me!) jump into the tech thinking they need 'this thing', without an overall view of the puzzle. You offer a solution that supports creation and putting it all together!"

Claire Sewell - Sales & Mind Coach

"Anke = one of the best tech headache medicines out there. Simply put, hire Anke to help you, it will save you time and guesswork (i.e. my tech headaches)"

Mayda Poc - From Wall Street to Career and Life Coaching and Mentoring for Executives in fast-paced industries

If you're like most coaches and educators, you're passionate about your work.

You want to create online offers so that you can reach and impact more people, without being limited to your local area or working 24/7.

Delivering your programs and building your business online is one of the most rewarding things you'll do in your life but most people find it a lot harder than they expected.

Can you relate?

There are so many moving pieces, so many different opinions, approaches and tools that it's easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure about where and how to start bringing your idea to life, whether that's a one-off virtual workshop, an online program or a whole new business idea.

If the thought of dealing with tech makes you cringe, or even scares you, chances are, you spend a lot of time working on your strategy and mindset, but your fabulous idea ends up withering away without ever having flourished, leaving you feeling disappointed and deflated.

If you're tech-savvy, you're likely to go down the rabbit hole of researching and perhaps even buying a million different tools. That might be fun for a while but you soon realize that it takes up a lot of time and headspace and still doesn't turn your idea into a profitable online business.

The problem is, there is something missing.

What's missing is a birds-eye overview, a map of the online tech territory, that shows you how all the pieces fit together, so that you can make informed decisions about what you need when rather than running fast, but - time and time again - in the wrong direction.

The good news?

I've created that map for you.

Hi, I'm Anke Herrmann

I started my entrepreneurial journey in 2004 when I quit my software developer career in the UK, moved to Spain and started a sewing business, specializing in custom flamenco dance costumes.

To be honest, it felt like riding a wild elephant until I realized that building a business really is a CREATIVE PROCESS, just like sewing a dress or developing software - a magical mix of vision, skill and soul.

That insight inspired me to train as a coach so I could support other passion-driven souls build their business with a sense of steady, peaceful progress, rather than feeling like a tiny boat thrown about in the ocean of entrepreneurship.

Now I bring everything I've learnt about business, tech, creativity and psychology to help coaches and educators turn their passion into a Boutique Business that can grow without burnout or scaling the joy out of it.

Author of Taming the Tech Monster, founder of Soul Touched by Dogs, teacher, programmer, dressmaker, translator, always learning.

Love Albert Einstein quotes, like this one: "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

Anke is a brilliant strategic partner who helps me think through the best process to deliver my idea, what platform, what tech, who should do what and how to do it efficiently. I cannot recommend her patience, calmness and practical genius enough."

Elizabeth Lovius - Leadership coach and Social Entrepreneur

"Anke by name, anchor by nature. When you are part of someone’s ship, you stop it from drifting away from its intended stability. Clear, calm and caring.

In a nutshell you embody less hype and more hope."

Angela Durrant - Founder of The Visible Club, Coach, Speaker.

Anke , a Tech Doctor with all the intelligences - IQ, EQ and XQ (that is reading the data, connecting the dots and getting it done). For business people who don't really understand tech this is an invaluable and unique offering because without asking the right questions you are not likely to get to the right destination"

Emer O'Donnell - Specialist Coach for young people(MSc)

Anke Herrmann - Taming the Tech Monster

ⓒ 2022 All Rights Reserved By Anke Herrmann